
    Housing Arkansas volunteers continue to advocate for state-level housing policy and essential state-level funding to help meet the housing needs of Arkansans:

every child deserves a safe place to call home;

a place to call home offers seniors an opportunity to live and grow with independence and dignity;

our veterans should have access to safe, affordable housing;

all hardworking Arkansans should be able to afford a home and still have enough money for groceries and child care.

    Housing Arkansas, now affiliated with ACHANGE, formed in 2008. After successfully advocating for the passage of an Arkansas Housing Trust Fund (AHTF), Act 661 of 2009, a continuing purpose is to speak for a permanent, dedicated source of revenue for the AHTF.


    The Arkansas Legislature provided pilot funding of $500,000 to the AHTF in 2013. The Arkansas Development Finance Authority Board of Directors awarded the $500,000 in February 2015. This funding approval was an essential step forward in the campaign to secure a permanent, dedicated source of revenue.

Our continuing effort is to gain permanent, sustainable funding sources for the AHTF.  Additionally, we promote, advocate for, and encourage the development of meaningful, appropriate policies and programs to address the issues of unsheltered individuals and families, accessible, affordable housing, and housing-related supportive services.  Please visit our Facebook page for more information. (https://www.facebook.com/housingarkansas)


    Housing Arkansas continues to work with our Legislators in the interim between Regular Sessions; the next Regular Session will be in 2025. We know additional work remains; your assistance is essential. Thank you for being in support as the campaign continues to advocate for state-level housing policy and essential state-level funding with a permanent, dedicated source of revenue for the AHTF.

Contact us via email at rich.roy@housingarkansas.org.  We will respond to your questions as soon as possible.  We try to provide links to resources that support your requests for information.  Thank you for engaging with Housing Arkansas and ACHANGE advocates about sustainable, suitable housing and supportive public policy development.